Why Coraline is a horror movie

Why Coraline is a horror movie

Ever since it release in 2009 Coraline has been on the middle of a debate if it can be consider a horror movie or if it is a horror movie. In my personal way I believe that Coraline is a horror movie. Why? Keep reading to find out my reasons to see Coraline as a horror movie.

Released in 2009 Coraline is an American stop-motion dark fantasy horror film. Yes, it’s categorized as horror and that’s for me a good start. It’s written and directed by Henry Selick, who also directed The Nightmare Before Christmas. As a clarification Tim Burton wrote and produced the film and it’s based on his original poem but it was directed by Selick. Based on the 2002 novel of the same name by Neil Gaiman (The Sandman, American Gods). With a budget of $60 million grossed $124.6 million on the box office and was nominated on Best Animated Picture on the Academy Awards but lost to WALL-E.

“While exploring her new home, a girl named Coraline discovers a secret door, behind which lies an alternate world that closely mirrors her own but, in many ways, is better. She rejoices in her discovery, until Other Mother and the rest of her parallel family try to keep her there forever. Coraline must use all her resources and bravery to make it back to her own family and life.”

Coraline (2009) plot

Reasons why Coraline is a horror movie

  1. Tone & Suspense

A key factor on horror movies is the atmosphere and setting. On the case of Coraline we have 2: The Real World and The Other World. The Real World is grey, boring, and silent, even most of the time is raining and the sun is no where to be seen. On the contrary The Other World is full of color, fun, life and great food. For Coraline is all that she wanted, but it’s too good to be true. Not everything is a pretty as it seems because that “perfect world” hides a dark secret. The contrast of both is very noticeable and the way the tone changes and the tension builds up as we discover little by little the true face of The Other World.

2. Horror clichés

Coraline is a story that it’s guilty to fall in some horror clichés. But they’re managed on a way that doesn’t bother at all. Some of them are: A family moving to a new house that is probably haunted or has a supernatural back story (The Shining, The Amityville Horror, The Haunting in Connecticut) , Parent’s doesn’t pay much attention to their children (Don’t be afraid of the dark), Adults giving warnings of not going there (Friday the 13h) and the use of a doll on an evil way (Child’s Play, Puppet Master, Annabelle, Dead Silence, The Boy).

3. Main villain

The main villain is The Other Mother, who is a beldam. A beldam is a type of witch or evil spirit that has the ability to impersonate others. Also she eats the souls of the children. This is a common element on horror movies that the main villain is a witch, evil spirit, or their main target are children (Pennywise the dancing clown from IT).

For me this 3 main reasons can made Coraline a horror movie. In overall is a creepy story that has scare many children since it release. As a fact many children who saw the film on theaters came out crying and even traumatized. And just let me tell you, if you think that the movie is scary the book is 10 times worst. If you love reading I recommend you to read it, there’s even a graphic novel that is the one I own. It’s a better way to read this awesome story that teaches you to be careful with what you wish for.