Hotel Transilvania 4: Transformania (2022) spoiler free review

Hotel Transilvania 4: Transformania (2022) spoiler free review

Rating: 2 out of 5.

When monsters become humans and a human becomes a monster something weird is happening. The last adventure of Dracula and his friends is now streaming exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. After troubles with the release and date changes the film is finally here for all the family to enjoy.

Van Helsing’s mysterious new invention transforms Drac and his pals into humans, and Johnny into a monster. With their new mismatched bodies, Drac and the pack must find a way to switch themselves back before their transformations become permanent.

Official plot

My opinion

Of all four movies of the franchise this one is the weakest one. It doesn’t really gives closure to the story when is supposed to since is the last one. It serves the purpose of entertaining, especially kids who are the target audience. But for the adult fans this one will feel as an unnecessary sequel. I would have done another plot and not over doing the same concept of the first movies again. Even the relationship between Dracula and Ericka would have been a more interesting topic.

The biggest downside for me on this film is how annoying Johnny became. He doesn’t understand what boundaries are or when is not his place. Also, making Dracula as a selfish character all the time is none sense. Four movies later he should have a better character development. I expected a lot from this movie, but it didn’t came to my expectations.