Charles – Fan Film (2022) spoiler free review

Charles – Fan Film (2022) spoiler free review

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Chucky fans this is for you. After years of waiting the Chucky fan film Charles has finally been released. On July 23, 2022 on the official Instagram account is was announced that the film would be released that same day on YouTube. The expectations of this film where high as it has been in production since 2018.

A young couple movies in to their first apartment and encounters a red-headed freckled doll. Soon they discover that their home and doll reveal an evil presence.

Official plot

The film is co-directed by Mitchel Francis and Luis Serrano and produced by Francis and Mike Chibante. The cast includes Shannon Ray Morris as Charles Lee Ray / Chucky, Rossalyn Fontanilla as Tiffany Valentine, Tyler Falcoa as Michael Miller, and Silva Morgan as Samantha Davis.

My opinion

For being a fan film is decent and enjoyable, it deserves the chance. The story has the potential to develop and create a longer film. It has a duration of one hour, and while is understandable this lead to plot holes and the film being fast paced. Everything happens at the blink of and eye leaving many questions about it. The doll and sfx makeup are the best part of the film. The voice given to the doll fits well the part.

At the end it’s important to remember that this is a fan film but it holds the potential to become a bigger project in the future. The film is available to watch on YouTube