What to do on Halloween 2020: Stay at home activities

What to do on Halloween 2020: Stay at home activities

Happy Halloween Horror Freaks! The best and most important day of the year is here. Just like any other holiday Halloween has it own traditions and activities to do during the day. Here I bring you 5 easy and simple ideas to enjoy the day while staying safe.

1. Carve Jack-‘o-lanterns

Nothing screams more Halloween than carving a pumpkin. The best part is that you can be creative and it’s a fun family activity.

2. Wear a costume

Myself in my Jack Skellington cosplay (Instagram: _amandamunoz)

Yes! You can wear your costume even if you’re not going to attend a party. Can even be transformed into a family costume competition. Leave everything on the runway. Still don’t no what to wear? No problem, I wrote a post and made a video about costumes ideas.

3. Host a virtual party

If something we have learn this 2020 is that we can still share memories with others using our phones or computers. Send that link and have the time of your life with your friends while staying home and safe!

4. Listen to your favorite Halloween songs

Nothing gets you in the mood that some Halloween hits. Make your own playlist or search on Spotify, options are endless!

5. Have a spooky movie night

No better way to spend the day or end the night that watching spooky or halloween movies. Don’t know what to watch? Don’t worry I got you covered.

Enjoy the day while I start planning Halloween 2021.

Happy Halloween Horror Freaks!