American Horror Stories Episodes 1 and 2 spoiler free review

American Horror Stories Episodes 1 and 2 spoiler free review

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

The spin off the popular series American Horror Story is finally here! Streaming exclusively on Hulu every Thursday this new anthology series will bring different stories every episode. Episodes 1 and 2 are already available and based on The Murder House

Back Home

Episodes 1 and 2 take place on The Murder House, probably the most iconic location of the series. We see the comeback of the rubber man, the twins, the pig man, and infanta. Having the original ghost from the house with the classic soundtrack felt like going back home.

My opinion

Both episodes are correlated, as they are Part 1 and Part 2. They feel like an extension of the first season of American Horror Story. They can be new characters and ghosts, but at the end it feels all the same. It doesn’t really brings something new to the table.

If you’re a die fan of the series you will appreciate the Easter eggs and tribute to the beginning of the series. I recommend to at least watch Murder House since details like from where the rubber costume came from or why the ghost can leave the house are not explained since is something that’s already done on the first season.