12 Horror movies that are based on true events

It’s usual to hear that a horror movie “is base on true events” and while is not always the case they’re some movies that are actually based on real murder and paranormal cases. It’s a huge marketing strategy that has been used for years because it works, silly but true. It’s easy to fall and believe that what is shown […]

Upcoming horror movies in 2021

The year is closer to end and with that 2021 is just around the corner. Today I bring you all the horror movies that are going to be released in 2021. I’m really excited about this new year and new horror. Also, I did a video about this upcoming movies on my Youtube Channel that I will be leaving down […]

Horror movies to watch in December

Happy creepmas horror freaks! Finally December is here and with it is Christmas season. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy horror in the last month of the year. Because that’s the beauty of horror; it can be watch all year long. This is why I brought you here a list of horror movies that you can enjoy this […]