My top 10 favorite horror movies

My top 10 favorite horror movies

Hello horror freaks! Today I bring you something that people has asked me so many times that I lost count: my favorite horror movies. I’m not going to lie, this was more difficult than I thought it would be. I love horror movies and I have seen so many that having to choose and make a list was almost impossible. But I was able to do it so here they’re my Top 10 Horror Movies.

10. Coraline (2009)

Yes, believe it or not Coraline is considered a horror movie despite being made for children. Many people who saw it as kids were terrified of the doll, buttons eyes, and the Other Mother. Others were to scare while watching it at the movie theater and came out crying, claiming not wanting to see it again. I wasn’t one of them and to this day is one of my favorite animated movies.

9. The Uninvited (2009)

This psychological horror film follows the story of Anna, who has just been released of a psychiatric hospital because she tried to suicide after her ill mother’s death in a fire, and her sister Alex. Her dad is having a relationship with the nurse of his dead wife but the sisters suspect that she can be responsible for the death of their mother. Anna and Alex decide to star investigating but they realize that not everything is what is seems. I remember watching it a lot with my sister when I was little and the plot twist at the end will shock you.

8. The Addams Family (1991)

This is a family classic that nobody can miss. Combines humor and horror and is a must on spooky season. I have been told many times that I’m like Wednesday Addams and that’s the best compliment I could ever get. But one day I will be Morticia.

7. Wrong Turn (2003)

This slasher film follows a group of college students that are stuck in the middle of mountains in West Virginia. They decide to explore the area and ask for help. On the way the group finds a cabin but no one is inside, searching on it they find human body parts on jars and just when they’re about to go they realize that owners of the cabin have return. I watched this movie many times when I was little with my sister and to this day we still do. It’s not the best but we can help to like it.

6. Scream (1996)

I will never stop saying thank you Wes Craven, may he Rest In Peace, for this masterpiece. This film brought back slashers films on the best way possible, making fun of them and the clichés. Even brought us the rules you need in order to survive one. I recommend you that you follow them if you want to make it to the sequel.

5. House of Wax (2005)

This is one of those “bad movies” that you can help to like. We can agree that the acting is not the best but the story and soundtrack makes up for it. Thanks to this film I found one of my favorite bands: My Chemical Romance. I will always say that this movie deserves a second chance and that it’s underrated.

4. Psycho (1960)

60 years ago Alfred Hitchcock brought us one of the best films not only on horror but in cinema history. Marking the beginning of slasher movies, giving us an iconic death scene, and opening the rode of acceptance for violence in films. This is a horror film that no one can miss, even if horror is not your favorite movie genre.

3. The Orphanage (2007)

This Spanish film by Guillermo del Toro is not only a masterpiece but my favorite work of him. “El Orfanato” show us how far a mother is willing to go to find her lost son. Ghosts from the past will haunt Laura and make her discover a terrifying truth about the orphanage from where she comes and the link to his son disappearance. A beautiful and terrifying story that you don’t want to miss.

2. Halloween (1978)

Considered the first slasher film this is truly a classic in horror cinema and the go to movie on any Halloween marathon. Bringing concepts like “final girl” and “scream queenHalloween defined the stereotype of the slasher subgenre that dominated the 80s. Thanks to this we have other classic films like Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street.

1. Friday the 13th (1980)

This film has a lot of meaning to me. It’s the first horror movie I ever saw, I was 5 years old at the time, and it’s my mother’s favorite movie too. Thanks to this film I started watching more horror movies and I just felt in love with the genre. I’m sure that are better movies than this but for me it was the beginning of an amazing journey and something that became a part of me. I will always love this film and will be my number one until the end.

You will realize that this list it not full of cult classic films but with the ones that brings me the best memories. I saw all them as a kid a lot with my mom and sister and I will always cherish them by what they mean to me and not by the opinion of the viewers.