Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021) spoiler free review

Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021) spoiler free review

Rating: 2.5 out of 5.

The seventh installment of the Paranormal Activity franchise is here. Directed by William Eubank this found footage supernatural horror film is a stand alone sequel. Available to watch exclusively at Paramount+.

The film follows a young woman trying to discover what happened with her mother, who disappeared years ago, until she discovers a terrifying truth about her mother’s past.

Official plot

My opinion

The first thing that is needed to say about this film is that it doesn’t feel like part of the Paranormal Activity franchise. Yes, is a stand alone sequel but still that essence of the franchise is missing. Added by the fact that the movie is not 100% on found footage format, some scenes are normal frames of the scene taking away the effect.

The story is simple without any hiding meaning or a subplot. The acting and special effects are okay, not memorable but makes it work. The film is one hour and 37 minutes where the horror parts remain most at the end and only the last 20 minutes are predictable.

In my opinion this film is a 6/10 or a 2.5/5. Decent and makes sense, but it could have been better. Having an open ending we could be seeing a sequel soon or maybe never.