Real origin of Halloween

Real origin of Halloween

Do you know from where Halloween came from? Why we wear costumes? Why is in October 31st? To know the answers keep reading.

The word Halloween comes from a Scottish term All Hallows’ Eve that is the evening before All Hallows’ Day. Over time the word evolved into Hallowe’en.

The origin of Halloween is linked to the Celtic festival Samhain or “summer’s end”. Samhain was celebrated on October 31 and ended on November 1st being one of the most important days in the Middle Age. It was celebrated in Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man.

This festival celebrated the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, also known as “the dark half of the year”. This period was seen as liminal time, when the line between this word and the other thinned, making possible the travel of spirits and monsters.

In order to scare them costumes where use. Over time Halloween traditions evolved how we know them today.

Halloween traditions

  • Wearing costumes
  • Trick-or-treating
  • Watching horror movies
  • Visit Haunted Houses
  • Apple picking
  • Jack-o’-lanterns