Wrong Turn: The Foundation (2021) Movie Review spoiler free
We still haven’t learned. Almost two months ago the trailer for Wrong Turn: The Foundation was released. I did a reaction video about it on my Youtube Channel. Click here to watch it. Finally I have my full review of the movie without spoilers and a a video on my Youtube channel with spoilers. Two options to choose how much you want to know about the movie before watching it.
Despite warnings to stick to the Appalachian Trail, hikers stray off course and cross into land inhabited by a hidden community of mountain dwellers who use deadly means to protect their way of life. Suddenly under siege, the friends seem headed to the point of no return unless one man can reach them in time.
Official plot of Wrong Turn: The Foundation (2021)
Released as a one night screening on January 26th, 2020 the film is the seven of the franchise and a reboot of the original released on 2003.
I will start by the opening scene of the movie. We’re used to see pretty brutal and gore scenes as the opening of a Wrong Turn movie. But this one is not the case. The movie starts with the father of the protagonist looking for her at the last place he has knowledge that she stayed. Quickly the movie goes back to six weeks prior to that and we see the group arriving to the town. And this is where everything goes wrong.

My opinion
The first fail of the movie is that everything happens too fast. The film last 2 hours and by the minute 45 half of the group is dead and captured by The Foundation. That leaves you thinking what is going to happen at the remaining 1 hour and 15 minutes of the movie? I will only say that the movie is so predictable that you will found out sooner than you think.
And that’s the second fail of the movie: is way too predictable. I spend 2 whole hours saying this is going to happen and it did actually happen. But the biggest fail of the movie is that it doesn’t feel like a Wrong Turn movie at all. If where going to describe the movie on a phrase its would be: this is the PG-13 version of the franchise. All the death scenes look censored and blurry. Only one of then actually showing some blood and gore. Also, The Foundation, is not a cannibalistic group. Is just people that live on the mountains since the Civil War far away from the civilization. They’re hostile to strangers and the people of the town are scare of them. While on the originals only one person knows about the three brothers that are inbred cannibals.

I give the movie a 2 over 5 stars. For a Wrong Turn movie is way too soft. Even after the fact that is a reboot of the original it doesn’t feel like it. If you still are interest in watching it it’s available on Amazon Prime Video and DVD on Walmart.